Profile of the municipalities of Ceará
Through the Municipal Profile system of the Institute for Research and Economic Strategy of Ceará (IPECE), the investor has access to a series of information on each municipality in Ceará. The interactive map enables you to consult data for each city on Demographics, Education, Health, Employment and Income, Development Indices, Transportation, Electric Power, Communications, Agriculture and Livestock, Industry, Commerce, Service Provision, among other data.
How to use the service:
- Entering here, the investor accesses the link Municipal Profile.
2. Then he chooses the municipality about which he wants the information, clicking on the map or accessing the list in alphabetical order, available at the top of the map.
3. By clicking on Summary, it is possible to see on which page the desired information about that municipality is among all those available to the investor.
4. Then, just click on the specified page to access the information.
Access the Municipal Profile of Ceará here.