Ceará 2050: A guarantee for sustainable development

13:23 14 de novembro de 2022 Por Daniel Oiticica

What will Ceará be like 30 years from now? How do we think about the State in which we live in a future that is so far away and, at the same time, so near? What strategies will be taken to guarantee the improvement of health, education, public security, and the generation of employment and income in Ceará? And what about the water supply, in a climate of rainfall concentrated in only one period of the year? All these questions seek an answer through the Long-Term Strategic Development Plan, Ceará 2050, the basis for the State's sustainable growth.

Above all, Ceará 2050 is a state project, not a government project, with mechanisms guaranteed in law to ensure its continuity. In March 2022, the Legislative Assembly of Ceará approved the State Government's Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) that includes Ceará 2050 in the State Constitution. The PEC 01/22 makes the State Strategic Planning a guiding tool for Ceará's development and, according to the state administration's proposal, aligned with the search for economic, social, cultural, territorial and environmental prosperity, citizen participation and to governance shared with society.

“This long-term vision is essential for governments to be able to consider public policies, which normally demand a lot of resources and implementation time”, says Professor Barros Neto, coordinator of Ceará 2050.

Ceará 2050 outlines mechanisms to accelerate economic and human development for the next three decades. The Platform is managed by the Secretariat for Planning and Management (Seplag) and by the Institute for Research and Economic Strategy of Ceará (IPECE), whose elaboration was technically coordinated by the Federal University of Ceará, through the Technical Services Support Foundation, Teaching and Research Support (Fundação Astef), with the coordination of Professor Barros Neto.

The initiative stems from the awareness that, despite the many achievements over successive administrations, the state needs to advance in order to meet the fast pace of social demands. It is a strategic development platform, collectively built and is part of a long-term vision allied to the definition of objectives that will guide the state's development in the coming decades. Its projects are based on concepts of sustainable development, social justice, reduction of territorial inequalities, and constant innovation.

Ceará 2050 contains diagnoses, proposals and priorities in five major result areas: Value for society; Productive Chains; Human Capital; Citizen Service; Governance. Its timeline for the goals has four cuts: 2025; 2030; 2040; and 2050.

Based on the objectives 20 strategic programs were formulated:

Environmental Assets
Safe Ceará
Science and Future
Economy and Innovation in Health
Entrepreneurial Education
Transformative Education
Energy and Business
Cultural Festivals and Tourism Routes
Future in Sports
Industry 4.0
Transforming Childhood
Innovate Government
Atlantic Logistics
More Value in the Field
Sustainable Mining
Strong Municipalities
Entertainment Line
Income from the Sun
Wealth of the Sea
Water Security in the Semi-arid

The construction of the Long-Term Strategic Thinking is structured in five stages: Diagnosis: identification of problems and strengths in the last 30 years that influence Ceará's development; External Analysis and Scenario Construction: mapping of some solutions tested in other states and countries to find out which ones are applicable in Ceará; Elaboration of the Vision of the Future and Strategic Objectives: through meetings and surveys in the 14 regions of Ceará, the population and the sectors will be consulted to determine the desired future for all; Conception of Strategic Programs: how are we going to get there? Based on the previous steps, it is possible to answer this question by creating a portfolio with strategic projects; and Consolidation and Launching of the Long-Term Strategic Development Plan: finally, a management and governance model for the Plan is drawn up and, soon after, its launch take place at a public event.

See here the Ceará 2050 book with all the details of its strategic programs.


Live: Expedito Parente Jr., Director of Infrastructure and Heritage at Adece, and Airton Montenegro, consultant for Ceará 2050, architect and urban planner, partner at Urbi Consultores

Podcast: Professor Barros Neto, coordinator of Plataforma Ceará 205